World School Poets

If It Hurts Let It Go | Disha Baldawa

Posted on - 27th February, 2019 Posted by - Yallaschools


If It Hurts Let It Go | Disha Baldawa

For past two years, writing has been a part of Disha's life. She writes when she is happy, agitated, annoyed or angry because words can express what she fail to communicate often. She started writing after her grandmother passed away in 2017. That’s when she realized so many people have lost people either way too early or untimely and she wrote the poem, below.  

If it hurts, Let it go.

I know it’s hard and painful and exhilarating,

Tears gushing down every night.

It’s hurt you, damaged you, ruined you, wrecked you

You don’t understand what to do

The thought of it makes you cry again

It hurts everywhere.

Your eyes hurt because you haven’t slept,

Your head hurts because of the trauma and stress,

Your stomach experiences contractions because you haven’t eaten in days,

But the damage has been done and it’s over.

What’s broken cannot be mended

But what hurts can be healed.

You have to keep moving no matter how bad things are

‘Easier said than done’ you say

And I agree.

So take your own time to heal

It does not need to happen overnight

But you need to start loving yourself again

Every single cell and blood vessel, tissue and organ in your body needs it.

Make your body a home you want to reside in

Get rid of all the negativity

Destroy the fear that makes you stay when you want to leave

Rediscover yourself

Nourish yourself

Follow your passion

Start again

Be brave

And Let it go.


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